Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Drawing itself

The assignment was to have an object draw itself.
This seemed an impossible task until I was taking a shower and realized that standing there long enough left impressions of the tiles on my feet. So I placed strips of paper in the shower in the water that doesn't drain well.
They were also tinted blue from m y hair dye.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

2d to 3d

For this project we were given the instructions to change a 2D surface -something all are so used to seeing- to a 3D work. There were recent events at this point with commissions coming in and so many classes wanting me to copy other artists and only hint at my own artistic identity that it felt as though I had no real creativity of my own. Everything was mimicry and I was not an artist.So to draw from my lack of creativity I decided to portray 3 pictures of myself breaking free from the mundane cycle of copy-catting and into the world. These are the finished products of said project.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Serial Working off paper

For this project we were told to create 5 30-60 second videos of ourselves making a movement. Each movement had to be related to the next so I chose to do common greetings and dismissals. The words used were, Hello, Come, Go/Leave, Look, and Spin. The subject was my roommate, and the project was a rather fun success in my opinion.
Here is a link to the video. It will open in a new window.


Serial Working on paper

For this project we were made to pick an artist from one of three books and attempt to mimic their style while still maintaining our own identity within the picture. The artist I chose was Zak Smith. His punk style and messy yet controlled way of adding color intrigued me. However, When I attempted to draw in his way on a large scale paper it did not turn out well. Because though he is space and detail oriented, he works small. So I changed my initial idea to his 5 1/2" x 4 1/2" pictures titled One Illustration for Every Page of Gravity's Rainbow. The quick sketchy style of his works was somewhat of a challenge for me who is so precises and small detail driven. However by the end of the project I loosened up and got the feel for how to achieve his way of drawing. It became relaxing at that point and I have found that it is rather enjoyable to just set a pen to paper without any presketching or set plan and just see what the imagination takes me.
Here are my sketches:

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Look At Me

Our assignment was to bring attention to something generally overlooked that we see everyday. First I was going to do a campus site but as I passed by each of my classmates I noticed how people just passed them by without a glance and thought, "if there is a way to bring attention to these artists and their skills, I should do it." So I went on an Easter egg hunt for all of my classmates which were scattered around campus tying their string to different areas. While they were working I tied my blue string around whatever body part they were not using at the moment (as to not disrupt their own work). Some on their wrists, some on their ankles, some on their headphones and 
some on their neck. 
This project I titled, Look At Me. As I wanted it to symbolize the attention each artist should receive.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The marks we make

I laid out a sheet against tile -

                               and paced across it for half an hour. This is the result of my pacing :

Thursday, February 5, 2015

A mark against many (hw)
Inspired by The Needle woman I stood completely still for 22 minutes as the tourists and people of  Saint Augustine passed me by. The time seemed to just pass me right by while my mind wandered. It felt good to have people flow around me. Stop and stare. Take photos. Some even came up to me afterward and started up a conversation about what I was doing. 
here is the Youtube link followed by a short art video of a random passerby taking a few photos of me.

A million marks  (hw) this is 150,000 marks. The marks changed length over time due to fatigue and pain. This project actually gave my wrist quite a bit of hell. The marks are made in groups of ten tally marks. All grouped in small groups of one hundred